Message from the Interim Department Head, Dr. Khaled Zaza:
Welcome to the Queen's University Department of Oncology at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario (CCSEO) at the Kingston Health Sciences Centre. CCSEO is a world-class facility and many of its faculty are recognized internationally for their expertise in cancer treatment and research.
As an academic cancer centre with residency programs in both Medical and Radiation Oncology, a graduate program in Medical Physics, and as a key player in the undergraduate curriculum at Queen’s University, the Department of Oncology plays a vital role in educating tomorrow's health professionals. The Department has taken a leading role nationally in competency-based residency training.
In the clinical care of cancer patients, we are responding to the increasing numbers and complex needs of cancer patients with state-of-the-art care. In addition, the Queen’s Cancer Research Institute, located just across the street, houses many of the Department’s primary and cross appointed Faculty in internationally recognized teams focused on research in Cancer Biology and Genetics, Cancer Care and Epidemiology and Cancer Clinical Trials, the latter being also synonymous with the Cancer Clinical Trials Group (CCTG) national operations and statistics centre.
In 2012, the Department of Oncology adopted the following Vision Statement:
To accelerate improved cancer patient outcomes through
Excellence and Innovation in Research
Excellence and Innovation in Education
Best evidence into Best Practice and Leadership in Academic Oncology
In 2019, the Department of Oncology identified the following Strategic Priorities and we are excited about the advancements we are making:
Global Oncology
Quality Improvement
Fellowship Programs
The Department of Oncology is proud to be a part of one of the most historic medical faculties in Canada as well as a top-ranked university in Canada.